Free eBook Offer (PDF version) – WARNING! Revelation is about to be Fulfilled
It is exciting to see how many people are responding to the free book offer given in the Asteroid Impact brochure. So far, WUAS has processed and mailed over 160,000 brochures in 16 states. Several groups of people have provided the financial support to make sure that these brochures are mailed and we are absolutely delighted by the response.
WUAS would like to thank each and every individual who has helped. As we press forward and the lists for additional states are provided, the WUAS staff will do their best to get the brochures mailed in a timely manner. One thing is certain, literally thousands of people are expressing their interest in the Bible’s explanation of end-time events.
Many people who have called the office to request the book, mention how the information presented in the Asteroid Impact brochure “rings true” with the conclusions they have also reached as they studied Revelation’s story. God’s Spirit is enlightening the minds of people all over the world who are sincerely searching His Word for truth.
One Man’s Outreach
At the southern most tip of mainland United States, Willie Montemayor, now 68 years young, is very active promoting the news of Jesus Christs soon coming. Willie has used many different approaches over the years to get the Warning! book into people’s hands. One method was a huge billboard located on his own property on US 281 offering a free Warning! book. Highway 281 is a busy route to Mexico and as you can expect, Willie was very anxious to get his hands on a Spanish translation of the Warning! book.
Over the years, Willie has developed many friendships and some of those friends have joined him in his effort to distribute his books. One family friend travels to a huge flea market in Mexico. Because of their generosity, Willie and his wife, Fita, have given many Mexican families who visit this flea market, an opportunity to learn more about Jesus soon return.
Another “friend connection” opened a new avenue for witnessing. Willies longtime friend, Knolly Williams, has become a successful Christian rap music artist. Knolly, and his wife, Josie, produce a monthly newsletter. They offered Willie space in their newsletter for a free book coupon and Willie, always looking for new opportunities, jumped at the chance.
In addition to all of this, Willie has his own web site that is taste-fully done. Again, this is just one more way to tell Revelation’s story and offer a free book. At last count, Willie’s site has had 5,300 hits. As a result, he has sent books to every state in the Union and many have been sent overseas, especially to Australia.
If I had one word to describe Willie’s efforts, it would be “resourceful.” With the help of a few good friends and the support of a loving wife and family, Willie has been able to literally distribute thousands of books. It seems evident that with some careful planning, an optimistic attitude, and a willingness to jump at every opportunity God provides, retirement can be a very busy and exciting time of life!
A Big Thank You!
The Tape of the Month has become an increasingly popular series offered by WUAS. Of course, we are thrilled with the positive results! However, this project has stretched the limits of our staffing and video duplication equipment. One of the logistic problems we faced was insuring that the quality of the video tape duplication was acceptable.
Our office staff deals with a significant amount of interruptions during the day and it has become a challenge monitoring the video decks throughout the day while we work. Recognizing the problems we were facing, Frank Strode, a long time supporter of WUAS, offered to put his skills to the test and create a piece of equipment that would allow us to monitor the ever increasing number of tape decks used in the production of the Tape of the Month.
This was certainly a gift of love. In a control box no bigger than 8″ by 18″, Frank patiently soldered 2,220 connections, creating a unit that will allow us to monitor 40 video decks simultaneously. The unit does this by automatically cycling (at the speed we desire) through every tape deck, allowing us to view all the tapes as they are being recorded. Of course, the staff of WUAS considers Frank a genius and this piece of equipment will be a tremendous blessing to us in days to come.
We all want to say a big “Thank You!” to Frank for all the hours of hard work he has personally put into completing this project. We also want to thank Frank’s lovely wife, Hilda, since she had to put up with Frank’s “work mess” on their dining room table for a couple of months!
Front Page Feature
Wake Up America Seminars and its Director, Larry Wilson, was recently featured in an article by Julie Irwin in the Sunday paper, front page, of the Cincinnati Enquirer. (March 7, 1999). Julie came to the WUAS office, interviewed the staff, visited with Larry by telephone on several occasions, and even interviewed Frances Craw of Eatonville, WA.
At first, Julie was focusing on the “Cincinnati connection,” since Larry named this newsletter after Cincinnati resident, Enoch Jacobs, and his 1840 newsletter called the Day Star. (Larry liked the “Cincinnati connection,” since Enoch’s newsletter had also focused on end-time events and Bellbrook and Cincinnati are separated in distance by only 45 miles.)
However, by the time she completed her interviews, Julie had learned a lot about end-time events, the millennium, and surrounding issues. Although Julie wrote her article from a secular point-of-view, we think she did a “fair” piece of reporting. Some of the accent points of the article focused more on the spectacular, rather than the spiritual, the article has sparked national attention.
We have received calls from people all over the United States who read the article via the internet.
Resulting Radio Interviews
As a direct result from the Cincinnati Enquirer article, Larry has been asked to be a guest on several radio talk shows. The first interview was on WLW 700 AM, a 50,000 watt station located in Cincinnati, OH. It was obvious from the interview that Mike McConnell really had no idea what WUAS was all about. His producer had read the article and wanted Mike to interview Larry.
So from the onset of this interview, Larry had to do his best to direct Mike’s line of questioning toward topics that related to what Larry teaches. The interview covered several topics ranging from dinosaurs, to the flood, to asteroids breaking up the fountains of the deep.
In spite of the spontaneity, Larry was able to make several compelling points and then offered a free Warning! book to Mikes listeners. Hundreds of people called the WUAS office re-questing the book! It was wonderful!
Then, as only God can orchestrate, another radio talk show host “just happened” to be getting a hair-cut at his local barber, on the day and at the exact time of the WLW interview. He heard the interview and decided he wanted to interview Larry, as well. Lee Davenport called the office immediately upon his return to his radio station, WBZI – 1500 AM, located in Xenia, OH.
From Larry’s perspective, Lee’s interview was one of the best he had ever participated in. Lee asked thoughtful questions and was genuinely interested in Larrys perspective of end-time events. Overall, these two radio interviews have reached literally thousands of people.
Radio producers continue to call the office, seeking more information regarding Larry’s views on the upcoming millennium, the Y2K situation, asteroids and end-time events. As a result of Julie Irwin’s article, we are sure more radio interviews are just around the corner. God is creating new vistas for us to share what a privilege and responsibility it is to proclaim Revelation’s story!
Welcome to New Staff Member
Wake Up America Seminars would like to introduce to our readers a new staff member. Luther Talley, recently retired from Kettering Medical Center, offers an array of talents that blend well with what WUAS is trying to accomplish. Luther has been in the printing business all his working life and previously managed the Print Shop for the hospital.
So, we hope to funnel Luther’s printing expertise into our future printing projects. In fact, Luther did the layout for this month’s Day Star. Luther has quite a commute (60 miles one way) to our office, but has committed to help us as often as we need his assistance. So, if you hear a strange voice on the other end of the telephone line, don’t hang up. It may be Luther!
WUAS Office Update
WUAS is growing very FAST and we have had to readjust our assignments to accomplish all that needs to be done. Our world wide web site is getting so much attention, that we needed to shift more of Marty’s focus toward updating our web site and possibly adding the Real Audio feature.
Suzy Gray, our Office Assistant, will continue to help with a wide variety of office tasks, including large mailing projects, tape duplication, answering the phones, etc. Suzy is very versatile and can do just about anything that is asked of her.
Together, the entire staff hopes we can serve you better as we all look forward to Jesus’ soon return.