Thank You for Sharing the Prophetic Story

Dear Wake Up Family:

We are rapidly approaching the end of 2021 when people often think about the past and make plans (and resolutions!) for the coming year. Amazingly, this newsletter is the 378th monthly mailing produced from our small office in Bellbrook, OH. During the past 31 years, employees and many volunteers have worked to create and share the various materials we provide each month. In the early days, we shipped audio and video cassettes. Later, we graduated to the digital format of CDs and DVDs. Now, after thirty years of technological improvements, audio and video streaming are making those obsolete. However, despite the growth in electronic readers, there is still demand for printed charts, books, and booklets.

None of this growth and transition could have occurred without a dedicated group of employees and volunteers through the decades. The employees, sometimes at great personal sacrifice, chose to follow their convictions and share the good news of Christ’s soon return. We are so indebted to Shelley, Suzy, Diana, Rex, and a host of volunteers in Bellbrook, and around the world, who have helped Wake Up immeasurably. Before I recognize those who have volunteered, I will apologize to anyone who may have been overlooked and thank you for your part in the Wake Up story. Lylla has personally distributed at least 100,000 pieces. In the early days of Wake Up, Allen and Frances Craw set up a lending library to share video tapes produced by Wake Up. Years ago, Willis and Dorothy Brock placed ads in a newsletter offering a free book and over 10,000 books were shared. Through the years, Benjamin, Charles, Ellen, Francis, Roger, Godfrey, Jim, Eunice, Dian, Mark, Barbara, Beverly, Donna, Bob, Randy, Velma, and Nadine have all had a part in helping Wake Up. Some of these dear souls are no longer with us, but I am sure they will meet the fruit of their labor in heaven. What a joy that will be! Add to this the thousands of people over the years who have made this ministry possible by providing financial support. It is absolutely amazing what can happen when the Lord supports his work by providing motives and means.

Many other people have been convicted to share this message with others. Last year, a Wake Up supporter from Great Britain, became convicted he needed to reprint The Untold Story of Jesus, and share it with friends and neighbors in his community. Using the services of a friend who is a printer, at his own expense, he printed 2,500 copies of the book to share. Within three months of his decision to print, he had already shared 1,900 books! Now, He has begun another project to produce a new book outlining the seventeen prophecies with descriptions and color coding. We are very excited about his progress and look forward to printing and sharing the book when we can print it in the U.S.

Barbara Kerr is another long-term supporter of Wake Up. She has had a heart for people in Pakistan, many who have never heard of Jesus. She and her husband Bill have traveled to Pakistan to share the gospel and distribute religious and health materials. She has arranged for thousands of Larry’s book No More Delay to be shared at religious gatherings as well as with the large prison population. The people of Pakistan are eager to learn the end-time story and there is a huge demand for these books.

Two other supporters have reached many people through their evangelistic efforts. Martha Mays has often shared booklets and sponsored booklet reprints in her local newspaper. Richard Thomas has also mailed thousands of booklets to individuals in his community.

Our hearts are overflowing with thanks of how the Lord has blessed Wake Up with so many people who are participating in preparing souls for His kingdom. While your efforts to share Revelation’s story may go unnoticed here on Earth, be assured the Lord knows and His reward will be eternal. “Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven.” (Luke 6:23) May the Lord bless all of us as we work to share the message of Jesus’ soon return.

Warmest Christian Blessings,