“They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon,
and in Greek, Apollyon.” (Revelation 9:11)
It may surprise you that “[Paul] Revere did not shout the phrase later attributed to him, ‘The British are coming!’ His [April 1775] mission depended on secrecy, the countryside was filled with British army patrols, and most of the Massachusetts colonists, who were predominantly English in ethnic origin, still considered themselves British.
Revere’s warning, according to eyewitness accounts of the ride and Revere’s own description, was ‘The Regulars are coming out.’ ”* Years later, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote the phrase, “The British are coming!” to dramatize Revere’s courageous ride in a poem called “Paul Revere’s Ride.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Revere [inserts mine])
Very few Americans are aware that Revere’s famous warning was created by a poet. Even fewer people know that the entire world is nearing the end of a global war and demons are going to physically appear on Earth before Jesus returns. Of course, demons (fallen angels) have lived on Earth since the day Adam and Eve sinned and increasingly, we see the results of their predatory efforts in the news every day.
The title of this study parallels the warning message that Revere gave in Longfellow’s poem because the world needs to hear a far more serious warning. Revelation 9 predicts a time is coming when Jesus will permit the devil and his demons to leave the spirit realm where they have been confined.
They will appear in the skies over large cities and descend in shows of magnificent power and glory. The devil will claim to be Almighty God. For five months he and his angels will do everything possible to make the people of Earth believe that he is God and now lives among men. After accomplishing this objective, the devil will change into his real character.
He will demand that one third of mankind be slaughtered, and overnight, he and his demons will take full control of Earth. Most of the people will receive his tattoo (the mark of the beast) and become slaves of a supernatural pharaoh. Incredible misery will follow. This sounds like science fiction, but do not be fooled.
Once you understand God’s purpose for permitting this drama to unfold, it will make perfect sense.
Predatory Demons
From Adam’s fall to Noah’s flood, evil had permeated Earth like a virus. The whole world had became so degenerate that after a mere 1,646 years, God concluded that the only cure was total destruction. The same thing has happened all over again, albeit at a slower pace. Once again, our modern world society has become so degenerate from the virus of sin that destruction is the only cure. The combination of sinful human nature and predatory demons will cause this destruction. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms [unseen or spiritual realms].” (Ephesians 6:12, insertion mine)
Human nature is naturally rebellious toward God’s laws. (Romans 8:5–7) The devil and his demons know this because they, too, are rebellious toward God and His laws. Demons know that if a person ignores and rejects the prompting of the Holy Spirit to do right, then he will succumb to the temptation to do evil. Demons know that human beings are like a piece of metal caught between two powerful magnets. The human sinful nature causes us to be naturally inclined toward doing evil. Fallen angels study us intimately to discover our weaknesses and prey on our weaknesses. Their objective is to lead us into sin. They want us to experience the painful consequences of sin, like Adam and Eve, and ultimately receive the penalty for sin. The consequences of sin always result in suffering for someone, such as illness, painful loss and separation, self-loathing, loneliness, and insatiable appetites for things that cannot bring joy or happiness. The penalty for sin is eternal death. Read Hebrews 11:25–26 and seriously consider if the consequences and penalty for sin are a fair exchange for enjoying the pleasures of sin for a short time.
The Cancer of Sin
When a majority of people ignore or reject the voice of the Holy Spirit, society spirals downhill quickly. When the next generation arrives, society races downhill even faster because the new generation has fewer inhibitions toward wrongdoing. Therefore, with each passing generation, society accelerates toward hopeless degeneracy and decadence. God does step in from time to time and slows this degeneracy by reducing or eliminating certain populations, thus cauterizing the cancer of sin.
The Bible teaches that people can be grossly evil and not know it. If God Himself were to enter each household and clearly point out each sinful thought, word, and action, He would be thrown out immediately. Unfortunately, most people are ignorant of God’s will and His righteousness, and within the confines of our natural rebellion, we will do everything possible to remain ignorant. Billions of people have no knowledge that their thoughts, ways, and actions are exceedingly offensive to God. We are born into sin’s pigpen and we have comfortably adapted to the constant stench (the customs and ways) of the sty. Pig farmers cannot smell the pungent and repulsive odor of their pigpens, and neither can a sinner detect his true condition before God without enlightenment from the Holy Spirit.
God Does Something That Causes People to Hate Him and Curse Him
God’s ways are predictable because He is changeless. (Malachi 3:6) Unlike Lucifer, God is not arbitrary, obsessive, paranoid, capricious, double-minded, or impulsive. Although we cannot understand everything about Him, there are many things we can understand if we take the time. We can be sure that God is a God of love because His actions at Calvary speak clearly. (John 3:16) When 4,000 years of Bible history (from Creation to the first century A.D.) are reviewed, it is easy to conclude that God is infinitely wise, infinitely intelligent, very careful, very deliberate, very thoughtful, very patient, and very nurturing. When we study the plan of salvation, we observe that in terms of kindness, God has no equal. These properties of God’s character are important to understand because He consistently does something which causes people to hate Him and curse Him.
Because God is changeless, He has discernable patterns of behavior. I would like to investigate one pattern of behavior from the Old Testament: When groups of people reach an intolerable level of degenerate and decadent behavior so that even extended grace has no redemptive effect, God always responds with destruction. I call this pattern, The Full Cup Principle.* Consider these applications: A God of love drowned the whole world in Noah’s day. A God of love burned Sodom and Gomorrah to the ground. A God of love caused the walls and buildings of Jericho to fall and bury most of the inhabitants of the city. A God of love empowered King Nebuchadnezzar to take Israel captive, destroy God’s temple, and reduce the City of David to ashes. A God of love empowered Cyrus and Darius to overtake the mighty city of Babylon. A God of love empowered Alexander the Great to destroy the Persian Empire. This same God of love will, at the right time, release the demons from the spirit realm allowing them to overtake the wicked and dominate those who insisted on ignorance and defiance. (For an in-depth study on this topic, please see Chapter 2 in my book, Warning! Revelation is about to be fulfilled.)
When dealing with ignorant and arrogant people, God consistently follows The Full Cup Principle. When God sees that a future generation has no possibility for happiness because of the current generation’s degeneracy and decadence, He sends redemptive judgments. If these judgments cannot achieve repentance and reformation, He sends totally destructive judgments. This pattern is described in the Bible in several places. For examples, see Leviticus 26, Deuteronomy 28, and Ezekiel 14.
We need take a closer look at these two steps:
- When a nation reaches a point where a majority of its people refuse to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, when a majority falls into idolatry, greed, hatred, meanness, rage, gluttony, and sexual immorality, God knows that recovery is impossible on a human scale. Therefore, He takes action with redemptive judgments so that, if possible, that nation might repent and reform. God’s love and interest in the future generation is just as great as His love and interest in the present generation. Therefore, if a nation will repent and reform, it can once again enjoy the land which God gave it to inhabit, and future generations will have a chance to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and live upright lives.
Of course, redemptive judgments always bring suffering, heartache, and pain. During these judgments, some people do wake up and discover their true condition in God’s sight. They repent of their sins and reform. Corporately speaking, however, Bible history reveals this outcome is rare. The city of Nineveh is the only group of people who come to my mind who repented, but that repentance was short-lived and the city was only spared from destruction for 160 years. Most of the time, ignorant and arrogant people curse God on account of His plagues, and they stubbornly refuse to see any correlation between their behavior and His judgments. This is why destruction is the only solution. Isaiah wrote, “My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness. Though grace is shown to the wicked, they do not learn righteousness; even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil and regard not the majesty of the Lord.” (Isaiah 26:9–10) - After sending redemptive judgments, God waits to see what a nation will do. (See Daniel 5:18–31) If the people of that nation are unwilling to turn away from their wickedness, God responds by sending a destroyer to utterly destroy that nation. We see this process in the Old Testament several times. For example, speaking about the destruction of ancient Babylon, God said to Jeremiah “‘But when the seventy years [of Israel’s captivity] are fulfilled, I will punish the king of Babylon and his nation, the land of the Babylonians, for their guilt,’ declares the Lord, ‘and will make it desolate forever. I will bring upon that land all the things I have spoken against it, all that are written in this book and prophesied by Jeremiah against all the nations. They themselves will be enslaved by many nations and great kings; I will repay them according to their deeds and the work of their hands.’” (Jeremiah 25:12–14, insertion mine)
The Seven Trumpets
I believe every nation on Earth has descended to a level of degeneracy and decadence that cannot be cured or reversed. The whole world is sick with a fatal virus, and no cure or solution is possible. Therefore, The Full Cup Principle is about to be invoked. God’s wrath is coming. When the appointed hour arrives, God will release four angels who have been given power to hurt the Earth (Revelation 7:1–4) and four horrific judgments will strike Earth in quick succession. These judgments are described in Revelation 8. They will be redemptive in nature; that is, some people will come to their senses and repent of their wicked ways realizing there is a God. God’s judgments will also have the effect of separating sheep (humble and repentant people) from goats (arrogant and defiant people). I do not have words to describe the global destruction that will be caused by the first four judgments. However, to offer some perspective, the Bible indicates in Revelation 6:8 that 25% of the world’s population will be killed when God’s wrath is released (1.75+ billion people). The misery index created by the first four judgments will cause billions of people to hate God and curse Him.
“The Demons Are Coming” and The Full Cup Principle
Today, Earth has become hopelessly decadent. Bible prophecy reveals the time has come when God will once again implement The Full Cup Principle. Prior to the Great Tribulation, God will select and empower 144,000 people as His spokespersons. Then, over a period of 64(?) days God will send four redemptive judgments (these are described in Revelation 8). These four judgments will destroy much of our planet and kill 1.75 billion people. Their purpose is to get the full attention of every survivor so that each person may thoughtfully consider God’s Words, spoken only by the 144,000. Many people will hate God and go to their deaths cursing Him.
Nevertheless, God will wait for 890(?) days to see what choices each person will make. At the end of 890(?) days, there will still be many people who refuse to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, God worsens the situation. He releases Lucifer and his angels from the spirit realm. God sends a destroyer who is eager to destroy the world. God does this so that in the process, some of those stubbornly wicked people will wake up and realize there are only two options in life. We either obey the voices of demons or we obey the voice of the Holy Spirit. A few people will discover this profound truth and repent of their ignorance and rebellion. Next month, I will attempt to explain why it is only our response to the Holy Spirit which determines our eternal destiny.
Larry Wilson
My mom feels like she was Involved in some sort of demonic activity where the door got open somehow without her knowing, she is a spirit filled Christian and would never entertain this otherwise. Now that she has been set free from a lot of it she feels like during the time she was involved in this she must’ve somehow departed from God because she can no longer feel the Holy Spirit. She can’t stop focusing on 1 Timothy 4, where some will heed to seducing spirits and depart from their faith. What does it mean to truly depart from your faith and never be forgiven she can’t stop focusing on first Timothy four, where some will heed to seducing spirits and depart from their faith. What does it mean to truly depart from your faith and never be forgiven. ??
Hello Sprinkle:
Thank you for your questions. Since I don’t know your Mom and her situation, please consider these general questions:
1. Has your mom been mentally and spiritually healthy and happy until now? Does she continually fret over things? Does she have a obsessive / compulsive disorder? Does she have undue anxiety? Has she had a toxic Christian experience in times past or has it been a happy one? In general, what is her state of mind and health at this time? I’m asking these general questions so that if you suspect that your mom needs a good check up (spiritual, mental and/or physical), please help her get one.
2. You asked, “What does it mean to truly depart from your faith and never be forgiven? Paul’s counsel to Timothy needs a bit of historical context.
Two polarizing situations were prevalent in Paul’s day within Christianity:
First, during the first century A.D., believers in Jesus were persecuted at every turn. The Jews hated the Christians and the Romans hated the Jews. To make matters worse, the Romans looked upon Christians as a Jewish sect. Therefore, many believers in Jesus renounced their faith when the price for following Jesus (persecution) became too great. Paul understood that when people give up their faith in God, it reveals their faith in God was shallow (inadequate). They were not grounded in love for God and a knowledge of His faithfulness and promises. Therefore, as a minister of the gospel, Timothy was encouraged by Paul to be a living example of what a born-again Christian should be.
Paul understood that following Jesus was not a spectator sport. Jesus said,
John 15:20,21 “Remember the words I spoke to you: ‘No servant is greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me.”
Matthew 10:37-39 “Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”
As you can see, following Jesus in the first century was not an emotional high. Following Jesus involved understanding His gospel, character, ways and plans. Christianity is a way of life that is at odds with the ways of the world. Emotions are one thing, a knowledge of truth is another. In Christ, one helps the other.
Second, after Jesus ascended, the teachings of Jesus were compromised or abandoned in various places and in different ways to attract new converts. Many people became “Christian” for all kinds of reasons. Some church leaders taught one thing and others taught something else. Christianity soon became a nose of wax which evildoers manipulated for personal benefit. (See Revelation 2 and 3 for some of the problems that early churches had.)
Given the persecution and heresy that plagued the early Christian movement, Paul’s counsel to Timothy hinged on Timothy remaining faithful to the gospel which Paul taught him. Paul wrote to Timothy:
2 Tim 2:8-13 “Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David. This is my gospel, for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But God’s word is not chained. Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory. Here is a trustworthy saying: If we died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will also disown us; if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself.”
3. Finally, you asked about the sin that is never forgiven. There is only one sin which cannot be forgiven. It is the sin of insulting the Holy Spirit. Jesus said:
Matthew 12:31,32 “And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.”
This passage means that if a person is committing sin and the Holy Spirit keeps telling that person that he must repent and forsake that sin — but the sinner continues to reject the voice of the Holy Spirit, a time will come when the Holy Spirit will give up on that person because of endless insult. The Holy Spirit respects our free will and if we choose to sin and live in sin, the Holy Spirit will respect our choice. For more information on this fascinating topic, please review this article: “Our response to the Holy Spirit determines our eternal destiny:”
I hope you will be able to convince your Mom that there is hope for every sinner IF we will allow the Holy Spirit to transform our lives. If she feels estranged from the Holy Spirit, find out why. If she feels that God has forsaken her, find out why. Ask her to start over if necessary. Try out new church groups, try reading the four gospels, try attending a Bible study class, try reading some inspiration books, try watching some videos (may I recommend two seminars?):
For a list of my video seminars: https://www.wake-up.org/video-series-list)
Maybe some of these suggestions or materials will be helpful! I sure hope so!
PS: If she likes to read, your Mom might enjoy this surprising study on the Trinty!
Download and print it out:
Best regards
Hello Mr. Larry W. Wilson,
My name is Kerrian and I have something to share with you. I’m always encouraged to see people reaching out to others about God. I read your article on the demons coming. I must say I’ve never heard it like that before.
But I’m writing to you on another note. I was trying to comment on the article. But this was easier, Did you know that righteousness by faith proclaims that Christ and His father will dwell with us? John 14:23. This is Christ in you the hope of glory. This is how we get the righteousness of God by faith in Jesus, Phillipians 3:9. Please bear with me. We are saved by faith in Jesus, John 3:16,17 etc, Jesus said he is the only way to his Father and life, John 14:6. The Bible, in Hebrews 2 especially, teaches us why Jesus had to come to earth. and in John 1:12, we realize that through him, we are made sons of God.
If God does not truly have a son, as most Christian churches teach, because they say that Jesus is God the Father, how could he have come as the second Adam (Romans 5:18,19, lived a victorious life for us John 16:33, and died so he can now have power over death and him who controls death, Hebrews 2:14, Acts 26:23, raise from the dead, return to his Father to be glorified, Zechariah 6:12-13, 1 Corinthians 15:20-28, John 17:5, and pour out His life through his Father’s spirit on us (that’s how he was glorified)?
In 1 John 5:10-12 we are told that the spirit of the anti-Christ is anyone who teaches that God does not have a son, because they make God a liar. God said he loves us so much, he gave us his son to die, if he doesn’t really have a son, then we make God a liar. God has many spiritual sons, but only one begotten son; John 3:16, 1 John 4:9
Jesus said of himself, that he came forth from the Father and that the Father sent him, John 8:42, 16:28, Proverbs 30:4 is worded as such,
Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son’s name, if thou canst tell?
Proverbs 8:22-31 speaks of someone who came forth from God and enjoyed all he did, before the earth was made, before the deep was formed.
Jesus came to reconcile us to His Father, this is why Paul said,
But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. 1 Corinthians 8:6.
The Lord our God is one, but the Lord our God has a Son. That is what Jesus tried to establish here on earth when he came, John 1:1-18, John 5:26
For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself; John 5:26
That is why the Jews tried to stone him, John 5:18:
Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.
The Jews understood what Jesus was saying, that is why they claimed he blasphemed. He is from God and is of the same substance of God, because he came forth from him before anything was made. That is why he is the only begotten son. Even his disciples understood that he was in fact God’s son, Matthew 16:15-16.
If Jesus is not the son of God and so God can make him born as a child and come as the second Adam, then our salvation is a lie. Everything we are told about Jesus would be superficial, if he is not truly the son of God. How could we inherit son-ship by faith in him, if he is not the son of God?
In Romans 8:9-11, Acts 3:19-20 we are told we receive the Spirit of Christ, and if we do not have his Spirit, we are none of his, But we are told in 1 Corinthians 2:11 onward that we receive the Spirit of God. Romans 8:9 especially speaks of God’s Spirit and Christ’s Spirit. But it becomes clearer is we consider what Jesus told us, he said he and his Father will come and make their abode with us. Two in one – the Comforter. The entire story of the Bible is about God reconciling man to himself through his son. If this is not so, the entire plan of salvation is a lie, because our salvation is hinged, indisputably, on the fact that god has a son and sent him to save us. It is not God who came to earth, it is God’s divine son who came. God has a son. His name is Jesus.
Hello Kerrian:
Thank you for sharing. If I properly understand your thoughts, I think you need to consider a few things that are not showing up in your remarks. If/when you have time, please give the article below a review and let me know your thoughts:
Best regards