Phillip and the Ethopian Eunuch

Dear Wake Up Friends,

This month, I want to share some of our plans for the rest of the year. Larry may not be doing as much writing, but we are not slowing down in providing you with more materials to share. This month, a new booklet is enclosed titled The World Wars and Armageddon which covers upcoming global wars that will occur between now and the end of the 1,000 years. Future booklets include interlaced versions of some of Paul’s writings, who are God’s chosen people, and the four beasts of Revelation. Future books we anticipate printing this year include a study on righteousness by faith and an interlaced version of the seventeen prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. All of these materials are being created to share.

Cases of The Untold Story of Jesus have been breaking all the Wake Up records for new book releases. By the time you read this update, we anticipate we will have shipped over 5,000 copies of the book in two months. We are continuing to receive rave reviews about the book and know it to be an excellent witnessing tool. Due to the unprecedented demand, we already have scheduled a second printing of the book.

We know you have been share-share-sharing because we are receiving calls and donations from new people who are not even on our mailing list. In fact, during the past month, two visitors came to the Bellbrook office who found out about us through friends who shared Wake Up booklets with them at a Baptist church. Apparently, the first visitor who came by the office shared a booklet at church with a friend who then decided to come and pick up more booklets to share. People who live in the Dayton area have an advantage because they can stop by the office and pick up free materials to share without paying the shipping cost. So, if you happen to be traveling through Dayton, Ohio, please stop by the office. We would love to meet you and give you some materials so you can share-share-share.

Over the years, you may have heard about Skip Rash and his PowerPoint slides on Bible prophecy. Skip has spent thousands of hours creating slides trying to make it easier for people to understand prophetic events. You can see a sample of his work at The church Skip attended was not interested in his efforts and he has found it difficult to share the charts he has worked so hard to make. Skip has had some continuing medical issues and recently had triple bypass surgery. Making PowerPoint slides has been a consuming interest for Skip and as he was preparing for the surgery, he was concerned whether his health issues after surgery would hinder him from working on his pictures. The Lord revealed a way which allowed him to continue working prior to surgery and share his pictures at the same time! Before the surgery Skip asked his surgeon if he could continue working on his slides. His doctor asked him what kind of pictures he makes. When Skip told the surgeon he creates pictures to portray scriptures in Daniel and Revelation, the doctor was astounded and mentioned he has studied and tried to understand Bible prophecy for years and finally gave up! The doctor asked if he could see Skip’s slides, so Skip put his slides on a flash drive and gave them to doctor. Later, the doctor told Skip the slides made it much easier to understand Bible prophecy! Remember, the Lord may present a way to share even when we are not thinking about witnessing to others. What a testimony!!

I will close with a Bible story to consider about Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. There are two important points relevant to the million people/dollar project. First, the Spirit told Philip where he needed to go to be a witness for Jesus. “Go south to the road—the desert road—that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” (Acts 8:26) Then, in even more detail, “The Spirit told Philip, ‘Go to that chariot and stay near it.’ “ (Acts 8:29) Second, a witness for Jesus needs to be ready to share what he or she knows when the time arises. “Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. ‘Do you understand what you are reading?’ Philip asked. ‘How can I,’ he [the eunuch] said, ‘unless someone explains it to me?’ ” (Acts 8:29-30, insertion mine) Our goal is to equip you with materials you can use that will answer Bible questions people have when they are studying. Pray with us that the Holy Spirit will place each of us in the specific location with Bible answers for the person who is searching for truth.


Categories: Other Studies