November Global Report

The news that Jesus Christ is about to conclude the PLAN of salvation and return soon to take His children home is spreading rapidly throughout the world. So much is happening worldwide that the limited space available in each newsletter makes it very difficult to select what to share with you.

By the time this particular newsletter reaches you, a seven day seminar (October 6 – 13) in Gweru, Zimbabwe will be over. In the December Day Star, we plan to share the details of this wonderful gathering. People from Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe have contacted Benjamin Mukuze (organizer of this event), indicating their intent to attend the seminar. How thrilling it is to hear how the Holy Spirit is awakening the people living in the continent of Africa and preparing them to proclaim the news of Jesus Christ’s soon return.

This report, however, will feature a recent letter WUAS received from the White family, who live in St. Catherine, Jamaica. This letter reveals how God sometimes “miraculously delivers” His message. These types of experiences also indicate (“to those people who have an ear”) the shortness of time. It appears that God is very anxious to reach the people He knows will respond to Revelation’s story of truth. It also demonstrates how God will use whatever means is available to touch people’s lives.

In April, 1994, seven year old Rhomaine was walking to school. Like most boys his age, Rhomaine watched for “interesting objects” he might find along the way. His mother had often scolded him about his habit of picking up “rubbish” on his way to and from school, but on this day, something caught his eye that he could not pass up.

Rushing home in a whirl of excitement, he shouted: “Mommy! Mommy! I found a cassette tape! Can you play it for me?” Unfortunately, Sydney and Claudette White did not own a cassette tape player and after explaining this to Rhomaine, he reluctantly went about doing other things. However, when his father, Sydney, arrived home from work that evening, he walked down the street to an Aunt’s house and borrowed her tape recorder.

That evening the whole family sat around the tape recorder and listened to the audio tape. They were totally surprised when they heard a message about Jesus’ soon return. After the tape finished, Sydney hugged Rhomaine, and said: “I wonder if you really know what you picked up today and carried home. It is a gold mine!”

The message burned in Sydney’s heart and gave him a deep desire to know who was responsible for the tape. A week later, Sydney contacted the King family, Lylla Paddyfote’s relatives in Jamaica (Lylla Paddyfote has provided many witnessing materials in Jamaica). Time passed and in October, the post office notified them that a parcel had arrived from New York for Sydney. That particular day, Claudette did not have enough money to pay the customs fee and not knowing what the package contained, she wondered if she should retrieve the package.

However, something inside her heart prompted her to borrow the money and pick up the package at the post office that very day. When she opened the box, she was surprised to find a complete set of the 108 audio tape series. (Lylla Paddyfote had sent them from New York.) Claudette was so excited, she called her husband at work to tell him the good news! Sydney rushed home from work, borrowed the tape recorder again and for the next few weeks, he spent every spare minute listening to that series of tapes.

The letter said: “We felt we got to know Larry Wilson personally through these tapes. He presented the gospel in such a manner that we never tired of listening to the story. We often discussed what Pastor Wilson might look like and hoped that someday we would know.” Eventually, Sydney met Mrs. King at her home. There he received books and a set of video tapes. At last, the White family was able to “see” this kind man who had brought to their home the wonderful Bible truths.

Sydney closed his letter with these words: “We thank God that He has led us to see the seriousness of Revelation’s message. We rejoice that God is using our family to awaken the members of our own church, the Bushy Park Pentecostal Church, to the reality of Jesus’ soon return. May God bless each one of you who support this ministry. We promise to be faithful to the calling and will do all we can to witness for Jesus Christ.”

Is this not an incredible story! God used the curiosity a seven year old boy to extend His invitation to herald the news of His soon coming to a family in Jamaica. And we encourage all of you, who will read this encouraging story, to press on! Time is short and the seeds of truth need to be planted in the hearts and minds of those people around you.

Will you be faithful to your calling? Don’t worry about the outcome – the Holy Spirit will do the rest!

Shelley Betts

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