New Books On Isaiah and Bible Prophecies

Dear friends of Wake Up America Seminars,

During this holiday season, we would like to take a moment to thank the Lord for the blessings He has given us during the past few years despite the world’s uncertainty and unrest. With the Lord’s help and your arms and legs, Wake Up has distributed over a million pieces of literature during the past three years, and we are continuing to produce more materials to share with others.

Some of you reading this may remember that eleven years ago, we offered Larry Wilson’s 608-page book, Jesus’ Final Victory, to our supporters. This book was and remains his most extensive explanation of the 17 apocalyptic prophecies in Daniel and Revelation. Each chapter is dedicated to one of the prophecies and contains a verse-by-verse commentary in a format that one can jump to any location in the book and find a text. The material seamlessly flows through the book to enhance understanding. Many people have expressed how they appreciate the simple explanations and how the prophecies align to create a matrix of the end-time story. Since we published Jesus’ Final Victory, we have had many requests for a condensed version but never completed it due to other demands.

Over a year ago, the Holy Spirit moved Danilo Johann Gabriel, a student of Larry Wilson, to write a book explaining the 17 prophecies using color coding to identify the events in each prophecy. Mr. Gabriel graciously allowed us to use his book as a source for The Prophetic Keys to the Future. We have had several challenges in producing this book, but we are sure you will be pleased with the result. We have enclosed a free copy!

You should consider three reasons to keep a few copies of this book on hand. A time is coming when:

  • Printing and distributing materials on Bible prophecy will be impossible.
  • Internet services and telecommunications will be non-existent.
  • Billions of currently disinterested people will suddenly become very interested in what the Bible says about God and His upcoming actions. It will be invaluable to share copies of this book and help people understand what God is doing.

If you are interested in current events at Wake Up and around the world and have access to email, I hope you will subscribe to the Wake Up NewsWatch. Each Friday, Diana prepares a list of current news items from various organizations about global developments, religion, science, and health. She also includes a devotional thought, office comments and updates, and prayer requests. I encourage you to go to the website to view a sample copy and subscribe. You can also call us at 800-475-0876 with your email address and be added to the subscription list. If you already receive the NewsWatch, join me in thanking Diana for her hard work preparing this weekly email.
We currently have three unusual price levels for the materials we offer at Wake Up—at cost, below cost, and shipping cost only. The at-cost price is our cost for the materials and includes the cost of the book, packaging, and shipping fee only. We continue providing items at discounted prices because of your generous donations. Unlike most religious ministries, we do not charge a markup for materials. Wake Up continues to be a faith ministry, and the Lord has provided the means for us to continue sharing the good news of His soon return.

We are offering a discount on the two new books printed this year to celebrate Christmas. The books Righteousness by Faith and The Prophetic Keys to the Future are available for a 25% discount through December 31, 2022.

Thank you for your support during the past year. While our primary efforts have been focused on distributing booklets, we have added other means for sharing the end-time message. The website continues to reach thousands of people worldwide. It has electronic versions of nearly all the printed, audio, and video materials produced since 1995. The Lord has blessed Wake Up for 35 years, and on behalf of Diana, Rex, Donna, and all the others who have committed their time and efforts to this ministry, our deepest thanks for blessing us with your prayers and support during 2022. We are looking forward to the day when the Lord takes charge of His ministry through the work of the 144,000. We will then know His second coming is just 1,335 days away!

Prayers and best wishes,
Marty Purvis