



Something to Ponder

The Discipline of Darkness by Oswald Chambers

At times, God puts us into the shadow of his hand, holding us in darkness so that we might be still and learn to listen. Songbirds are taught to sing in the dark; we are taught to hear our Lord.

Are you in the dark right now, confused about your circumstances or your life with God? If you are, keep quiet: darkness is the time to listen. If you talk in the dark, you will talk in the wrong mood. Don’t consult other people about your problem; don’t seek the answers in a book. Other people’s voices and opinions will drown out what God is trying to tell you. Listen to God in the dark, and he will give you a precious message for someone else when you get back into the light.

After every time of darkness, there comes a mixture of delight and humiliation. There is delight at finally hearing God, and humiliation at how long it took to listen. “How slow I’ve been in understanding!” you’ll say. “And yet, God has been saying it all these days and weeks.” If you feel only delight, it is doubtful you have heard him at all.

Learn to welcome the humiliation as a gift: it is God’s way of teaching you how to listen better in the future. If you do, you will develop the softness of heart that always hears God now.

Wisdom from Oswald: Am I getting nobler, better, more helpful, more humble, as I get older? Am I exhibiting the life that men take knowledge of as having been with Jesus, or am I getting more self-assertive, more deliberately determined to have my own way? It is a great thing to tell yourself the truth.

Scripture Thought for the Day

What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight. — Matthew 10:27


  • Don: Don called into the office to thank us for carrying the torch of the End Time message after Larry Wilson passed away. He was deeply touched when he studied Larry’s books over 30 years ago and still studies them today.
  • Richard calls into the office every 4-6 months to order 600 booklets to send out in his mailer. He loves to share and teach in churches as he is given opportunities to do so.

Prayer Requests

  • Joann: Joann has been bitten by a dog in the neighborhood when she was walking her own dog. Please pray for her as she recuperates.
  • Theresa: Please pray for Theresa who is feeling increasingly sick from the cancer. Pray that the Lord would comfort her.


  • Order Larry’s DVDs and CDs for prices as low as $5 and $10.
  • After studying Bible prophecy for about 18 years, Larry Wilson founded Wake Up America Seminars in 1988 for the purpose of proclaiming Revelation’s story. Larry’s method for interpreting prophecy is unique in that he uses four self-evident rules found in the book of Daniel. These rules produce a matrix that consists of 17 prophecies — five in Daniel and twelve in Revelation. When valid rules of interpretation are applied, valid conclusions are the result. Wake Up America Seminars is a non-profit organization and it is not affiliated nor endorsed by any religious body.

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Diana Johnson

Diana Johnson

Diana Johnson

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