Witnessing by Sharing “The Untold Story of Jesus”

Dear Wake Up Family,
As the million dollar giveaway continues, we wanted to share the testimony of one family in England who has taken “sharing” to a whole new level! Here is their testimony:

“Earlier this year, my wife and I received a copy of Larry Wilson’s The Untold Story of Jesus and decided to read it together as an evening devotional. Not only were we greatly blessed, it also had the effect of strengthening our relationship whilst drawing us closer to Jesus. One evening whilst out for a walk, my wife suggested we should get a few copies and hand them out! As soon as I heard her suggestion, my cogs began ticking. What started out as an idea to get 50 books or so, before long, with the support of Wake Up America and other generous sponsors, escalated to the point we were able to purchase and print 2,500 copies of the book!!

“The events of 2020 have been a big wakeup call for us. We both have known we needed to do more to share the gospel of our Creator, so with most people in their homes due to Covid 19, we felt impressed this was the perfect time to share Christ’s love with those who may have never heard about Him. Especially knowing about what is soon to take place as we are propelled toward the commencement of the Great Tribulation.

“We were certain from the start this book, with its catchy little title The Untold Story of Jesus, was the perfect one for new readers. We earnestly believe God chose that title and will draw people into reading it when the time is right. Once the books arrived, three of us spent an afternoon each week packing 300 of them into brown delivery envelopes, and then every Sabbath morning would deliver the books through people’s letterboxes all around the various neighbourhoods in Leicestershire, England.

“We’re so grateful for my nephew who volunteered to help, because starting out each Sabbath morning with a heavy bag packed with books was quite a strain. Even though the weight slung over our shoulders was substantial, the burden would soon melt away as we engaged in the most meaningful time of the week. Often, the thoughts of what Jesus and the disciples went through came to mind and our momentary afflictions seemed so trivial.

“Having done our Godly exercise for the day, we would look forward to the hearty Sabbath breakfast my mum prepared. Often, sitting around the table, I imagined what would be the result if every church had 20 or 30 members doing this every Sabbath morning, week after week! After a month or so, my mother-in-law, close to 70 years of age, also read the book. She too received a newfound spirit and energy to share the book with as many of her neighbours as possible. So far, she has delivered almost 200!

“We have now delivered all the books except for a small number which are being held back until we figure out how to get our next batch! It is certainly something we have been tremendously blessed and privileged to do, and know that the Lord will provide opportunity again to continue His work. The purpose of our testimony is to inspire you to do something out of the ordinary as you are led by the Holy Spirit to sow seeds of the gospel. Perhaps what we do now will be the fertile soil the 144,000 gleans from when God seals them. There are many souls out there hungering for the Word of God and to know Jesus, and these books are a perfect way to witness, even if not read immediately. Each of us knows there is a time coming when people will be desperate to learn about the untold story of Jesus. Let’s work whilst we still can.

“If we love Jesus, we will want to share His good message of hope and salvation. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to work on the hearts of all those who received the books. We are fully confident that as a result of this work there will be a multitude of people who share their testimonies with us in heaven of how their lives were changed when Christ entered their home one morning through the letterbox!

“If you are able, join us, order some books today and let’s spread the good news that Jesus is coming back sooner than most realise! Step out in faith today, you never know the eternal difference you could make in someone’s life. God bless each of you!”

What an encouragement and call to action!

The enclosed book, Paul Shapes Christianity, incorporates the two previously released booklets on Galatians and Ephesians, and includes interlaced versions of Colossians and Romans.

Best wishes,