Paul Shapes Christianity
Latest posts by Marty Purvis (see all)
- Views on Prophetic Study - February 1, 2025
- A Story of Wake Up America Seminars - December 23, 2024
- Pakistan Ministry - September 24, 2024
The Old Testament description of cities of refuge illustrates God’s plan for the human race. God’s justice and mercy, the sanctuary service, and the day of atonement connect beautifully to show how God plans to resolve the sin problem. To The Reader: This booklet is based on material published on our web-site. To study further,…
Jesus said, “And do not call anyone on Earth “father”, for you have one Father, and he is in Heaven. Nor are you to be called “teacher”, for you have one Teacher, the Christ.” -Matthew 23:9,10 Between A.D. 538 and 1798 the clergy of the Catholic Church lorded “divine authority” over the nations of Europe…
Hebrews’ eternal riches belong to those willing to dig for buried treasure. This book helps us understand the imparting of Christ’s righteousness, which occurs during the judgment of the living. Hebrews explains the concluding ministry of our high priest in heaven’s temple, the deity of Jesus as a sovereign God, the properties of faith, and…
Dear Larry Wilson: I have wondered about the eternal destiny of infants and young children who die before reaching the age of accountability. Are they “lost” or “saved?” Sincerely, Crystal Dear Crystal: For twenty centuries, Christians have debated the question of how God deals with the death of young children. In ancient times, infant mortality…
First article in series… Galatians Conclusion Paul continues his messages to the Jews and Gentiles in Galatia. My commentary is included within the brackets []. Galatians 4:13–16 “[I have been told that some in the church have had a change of heart towards me. I am no longer welcome in Galatia.] As you know, it…
I have been asked many times if church membership is required for salvation. The answer is “no.” The eternal destiny of each person is determined by his or her response to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Those obeying the Holy Spirit are living by faith. Those refusing to obey His voice are living in…