Have you wondered about the connections between the Old Testament sanctuary and the Heavenly temple. This booklet will answer your questions and include subjects like:
• Ceremonies in Heaven which have parallels on Earth
• The purpose and function of furniture items in the sanctuary
• How God deals with sin on Earth and in Heaven
• End time events that parallel the sanctuary service
• Old Testament feast days which foreshadow Heavenly events
This information is based on material published on our website. For further study, read other booklets in this series and we hope you will browse through the many topics available. You can use this LINK.
If this booklet is helpful and you would like to share it, we will be pleased to send free copies of this booklet while supplies last provided you pay shipping and handling (limits and intervals also apply). On occasion, I have inserted italics and brackets in Scripture quotations to enhance understanding, not to change the meaning.
There are fourteen questions in this booklet which I hope you will answer. The author’s answers are listed at the end. May God bless you as you study this fascinating topic!
Larry Wilson
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