The Devil’s Preparation for the Tribulation

Dear Wake Up Family,

This year, as the summer is coming to an end, many factors are creating a sense of apprehension and unrest throughout the country. There seems to be an unending cycle of political attacks and counterattacks. It is becoming more difficult to determine what we see or hear is real or counterfeit. However, the reality that exists today is affecting many lives and causing stress and fear throughout society. Thus far, concerns about coronavirus have changed people’s lives in obvious and unperceived ways.

As many as 25,000 retail stores may close in the U.S. during 2020. Some big chains such as J.C. Penney, Neiman Marcus, Pier 1 Imports, and Brooks Brothers have already declared bankruptcy. Some of the major shopping malls will likely be the next to collapse. Most schools, although closed in March for the remainder of the school year, will begin their new school year shortly. This could cause the virus to reignite and spread. For example, in Montgomery County, Ohio where I live, due to a resurgence of coronavirus cases, the state of Ohio has reinstituted wearing masks while in public. Political and health leaders have already demonstrated they know little about how to manage a pandemic, and this cannot help but cause concern for all who are directly impacted.

Nearly everyone has a family member, friend, or acquaintance who has tested positive for the virus, whose job has been eliminated or abruptly changed, or who will be negatively affected economically in the future. The economy has never been in such bad shape in the history of our country. The long-term impact to the world economy is really unknown at this time. In the U.S., Total Federal Debt has increased by over three trillion dollars in five months. This is a 15% increase in our countries’ debt, of which you and I are obligated to pay. The current debt is $69,470 for each U.S. citizen. Sooner than later this debt will become due, and the economy will suffer the consequences of generations of greed.

The level of unrest is exhibiting itself in various ways. Militant organizations are capitalizing on racial divides to achieve their corrupt goals. Cities are being burned, law enforcement is being attacked, companies are being boycotted, and rioters are in the streets. People are even losing their jobs because they see and voice differing opinions than the allowed perspectives. There seems to be no answer which will resolve the divisive problems, much less satisfy everyone. Feeble attempts of many politicians to maintain order in the chaos have demonstrated they are unable or unwilling to cope with the civil disorder. How much longer can this last?

It seems like the links holding society together are being broken, never to be connected again. People are so entrenched in their views; even Christians are not dealing with their disagreements in Christian love. I am sure the devil is rejoicing because he thrives on creating discord between friends and exacerbating problems between enemies. He knows that very, very soon, he will be allowed to appear physically during the fifth trumpet and begin his greatest performance in Earth’s history. He will claim to be a great healer—an incomparable uniter—and the only one who can actually solve the world’s problems. In reality, the only role he will play is as his real self who is the greatest deceiver the world has ever known.

While current and coming events are frightening and may be disquieting, those who have a relationship with Jesus have nothing to fear. He has promised to send the Holy Spirit and bring us peace. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27) Each day, the world is demonstrating it is not at peace. We can be thankful for the Lord’s promises and each day we can share the same peace with those we meet.
