Bible History and End Time Prophecy Timeline

This video series covers a chart showing historical events since creation and future events culminating in the creation of the new earth.  Because there is historical evidence showing the relationship of prophecies in Daniel and Revelation, a framework shows the alignment of five prophecies in Daniel and twelve prophecies in Revelation.

Link: Bible History and End Time Prophecy Timeline

Click the video above to watch the first video in the series.  If you wish to watch the other videos in the series, you can either click the “PLAYLIST” option in the upper left corner of the screen to select the video you wish to watch or click the link above for a listing of the entire series.


God left the prophecies in Daniel sealed until the time of the end.  The prophecies in Daniel and Revelation were given in chronological order because God Himself declared the order. So, the prophecies cannot be subject to religious bias.  This chronological alignment allows us to see what has been fulfilled as well as the order of coming events.

Links to the information referenced in the video series.

Jesus’ Final Victory Book

From Creation to Re-Creation Chart