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Bible History and End Time Prophecy Timeline

This video series covers a chart showing historical events since creation and future events culminating in the creation of the new earth.  Because there is historical evidence showing the relationship of prophecies in Daniel and Revelation, a framework shows the alignment of five prophecies in Daniel and twelve prophecies in Revelation. Link: Bible History and End…


Recent Dates in Bible Prophecy

This video series covers prophecies for the book of Daniel and Bible calendars to identify important prophetic dates. Using dates that are established from the Jubilee Calendar and prophecies in Daniel and Revelation, Larry defines important dates that have occurred in the past two centuries. These dates have to do with the judgment of mankind…

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The Timing of God’s Prophetic Jubilee Calendar

This new video series uses an in-depth Bible study to present exciting information about the Jubilee Calendar. This calendar began when the Israelites were rescued from Egyptian bondage and continued through A.D. 1994. Key Biblical dates such as Christ’s death on the cross, the decree to restore Jerusalem, the death of Sennacherib’s army, and the…