Dearest friends,
Thank you so much for your concerns, cards and prayers for Larry and me over the past three years. Larry died on January 11, 2021 from ALS complications (Lou Gehrig’s disease). He was 72. We were married 50+ years. He is survived by our daughter and son-in-law, Wade and Shannon Betts, his mother, Gladys Wilson, a sister and brother-in-law, David and Linda Brooks.
Larry was a Vietnam Veteran, serving in the US Army 1968-70. After returning from the war, Larry became born again and fell in love with Jesus and the Bible. For the next forty eight years, Larry was a serious Bible student. He found early on in his Christian experience that redemption is based on faith. Living by faith means obeying the Holy Spirit. Our response to the Holy Spirit determines our eternal destiny. Larry also found that each book of the Bible contains a series of clues regarding God’s character, government, love and plan of redemption. As Bible students become acquainted with these clues, a tapestry of information forms and once this beautiful tapestry is understood, the glory of God’s grace, love, power, justice and mercy can be seen. Larry often said that truth is proven true by the harmony that comes from the sum of its parts.
Larry’s forty-eight years in God’s Word can be divided into three phases. First, there was the “getting acquainted” phase which took about 12 years. (The Bible is a comprehensive book.) His search for truth eventually produced a total meltdown of previously held ideas and the reconstruction of an entirely new view. The second phase in his journey can be described as the discovery of a consistent and predictable architecture in God’s Word e.g., the discovery of the four rules governing apocalyptic interpretation, the Jubilee Calendar, Plan A/Plan B, and other dramatic concepts. Finally, in 1987, there came a calling from the Lord to leave his employment and step outside his comfort zone to disseminate his discoveries.
Larry, with the help of Marty Purvis, founded Wake Up America Seminars (WUAS) in 1988. Wake Up America Seminars is not a church, nor does it have members. WUAS is a non-profit organization dedicated to heralding the fulfillment of God’s Word and the imminent return of Jesus. Larry has posted hundreds of hours of seminars on youtube, written hundreds of Bible studies (monthly studies 1990-2019 called The Day Star and The Wake Up Report published more than a dozen books and dozens of booklets and Larry retired from WUAS in December 2019, but the organization continues to thrive under Marty’s leadership. I believe Larry produced materials that will only grow in importance and distribution as the Day of the Lord draws near.
Because of the pandemic, there will be no funeral or memorial service. Larry died eagerly anticipating a grand and glorious reunion around the throne of God. By God’s grace and faith in Jesus, he fully expects to see all of us there! One of Larry’s last requests was that these verses should be sent to all his friends:
Jesus said, “My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. . . Very truly I tell you, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live. . . Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out—those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned. . . And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day. For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.” John 14:2-3; 5:25, 28-29; 6:39-40
With love and deepest appreciation,
Shirley and the family
If the Bible were to be written today, Larry Wilson’s name will definitely feature in the Hall of Faith. Although he has gone to sleep, I thank God for tremendously blessing me through his insights. His rich knowledge will remain with us through his books, videos, materials, etc. I can’t wait to see him for the first time, and for eternity, when Jesus comes . What a day of rejoicing that will be !
What a blessing was, has been, is and will be to continue my personal journey knowing Jesus based on Larry’s legacy! God bless this man and give him eternal life. Thanks Larry for a life dedicated to unveil God’s Word, I don’t have words for your generosity, kindness and knowledge. Maybe God, sometime in the future, will allow me to discuss with you this incredible Plan of Salvation managed by our Lord Jesus. See you soon!
What a great man Larry W. Wilson was, his wise and his Uncanny Research Study, and Style of Presentation, I will never forget. He used to say this a lot, And I quote> (I rarely say anything profound), I will never forget those words, plus they are true When He Does Say Something Very (Profound). Larry was a great study of bible prophecy. The prophetic word of our Father. He changed my life immensely. I will never forget Pastor Larry W. Wilson as long as I live. Which he became our Pastor of Prophetic Truth. Rest in peace my brother, See You Soon.
I just wanted to say I use to feel alone in my beliefs until I found a pamphlet in 2008. It was from WUAS. I continue to have my eyes opened.Larry is a blessing from God. God bless you all.
I just want to say how thankful I am to have found this network! I have watched so many videos and ordered and read tons of books! I have shared them with my family. Put them in cards, shared them with strangers! I still continue to watch the playlists on YouTube (currently watching one right now, just took a break to write this :)
Now is the time to share these messages near and far!
Larry’s hard work and dedication does not go unnoticed and I know in my heart and spirit you will all be with him again very soon. Larry is taking his much needed rest now… I know I’m late with this message but I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all that you do!
God bless you all who work on this network! You are truly God’s witnesses!
I’ve been watching and listening to Larry for some 20 years. He was a beautiful man, my brother, and a brilliant soldier of Christ. Larry opened my eyes to the word of God in a special way. Over the years I was privileged enough to speak to Larry via email but I was never fortunate enough to meet him in person. The world was a much better place with Larry in it. I was very saddened to hear that Larry had passed on. I know it should be a joyous event, but losing a friend is never easy. I truly miss him and his wonderful personality and I look forward to seeing him again in the new Jerusalem, once I have run the race to completion. Because of Larry I’m always alert, watching and waiting for our Savior to return. Larry has kept me moving in the right direction, in Messiah, watching and waiting. The time is truly short! Come quickly Jesus Christ!