Bible Charts Index

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Latest posts by Marty Purvis (see all)

Categories: End of Time Charts

3 Responses

  • Not sure if this site has any active comments. In my short time here I find it refreshing to find an independent mind that is sharing his views. We need much more of this in the greater assembly of believers. Freedom of Speech is very important. Why would I want to sit in a room with 12 people that know everything I know? What am I going to learn or unlearn?
    I been on a retreat taken to a mountain out of my country to study prophecy for the past 2 years. I made a point to not look for others’ views until I come to what I felt was close to the end of what I was being given from the Scriptures. I am always looking for students that share their understanding and are also willing to hear from others. Finding any Church group that is active in seeking knowledge is very rare, and I understand this site is not an organized church. I have come to believe the 144,000 and the 10 Virgins are people who are not corrupted by apostate religion. Many good Churches today have been sliding into the errors of most other religious leaders we read about during the Temple time when Jesus walked this earth. I want to thank the Lord for all the Truth that the Father has assembled here for others to find and Test for themselves. Something big began to happen in the 1990s. I keep running into people who had to come out of a Church or were driven out of a Church by the leaders. Churches do not like Issachars in their Churches. May the LORD get us ready and keep us ready before the door of Grace is shut to all mankind. Shalom/Peace from a visitor in the Philippines. The LORD sent me out of the US in November 2019 before things started to go out of control. If someone reads this in this group please email me and let me know if you all are active here. I see no Blog.
    A Witness
    Mr Ed

  • Thank you, it was good to hear back from you Marty. I will spend time on your site and download topics of prophecy to review. At a quick glance, I see much at I can say amen to. The Spirit of God is walking many into the Truth. Only the Spirit of Father can bring true UNITY. I love to build up and not tear down. Many on the road are ahead and behind me. May we keep our eyes on the Cloud and keep moving forward.
    Mr Ed