The Book of Daniel and Revelation Prophecy Charts

Charts Showing Time Based Bible Prophecies Download Entire Set of Charts Cover Page  Desktop | Mobile Page 1  Desktop | Mobile Prophecy #1 – Daniel 2:29-45  Desktop | Mobile Prophecy #2 – Daniel 7:2-12  Desktop | Mobile Prophecy #3 – Daniel 8:1-12  Desktop | Mobile Prophecy #4 – Daniel 9:20-27  Desktop | Mobile Prophecy #5…

Did Jesus Die in Our Place? – Christians, Three Gods, and the Trinity (Pt. 4)

First article in series… A thorough study of Jesus’ death is extensive.  His role in the plan of salvation raises many questions. For example, why does the plan of salvation require that someone die?  If the Father loves sinners enough to sacrifice Jesus, why did the Father not give Himself to die for sinners? What…


The Two Witnesses

Bible prophecy students have divergent opinions on the identity of two witnesses mentioned in Revelation 11:3. The diversity of opinion includes understanding that the two witnesses are Bible characters like Moses, Enoch, and Elijah or two literal end time prophets. Others think the two witnesses symbolize the Christian Church, Israel, believers in Christ, and the…