
Lamb’s Book | Appendix B | Lucifer Rules Earth Masquerading as God

Lucifer Masquerades as God I would have never believed that the world’s religions and nations would be abolished before Jesus returns, but Revelation 13:14 and Revelation 17:12 makes this prediction. Since this may be the first time you have ever considered such a prediction, I am sure you are wondering how these things can happen….

Are You Ready for the Second Coming? (Part 2) – God’s Perfect Timing

God’s Timing – Second Coming “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” – Matthew 24:36 People who wish to silence any excitement that Jesus may return very soon use this verse as an “intellectual refuge.” Many Christians interpret this verse to…

Are You Ready for the Second Coming? (Part 1) – Considered It

Commentary on Matthew 24 One day, as Jesus and His disciples were leaving the temple, Jesus directed His followers to consider the magnificent buildings that made up the temple complex. “ ‘Do you see all these things?’ He asked. ‘I tell you the truth, not one stone here will be left on another; every one…


Should Sinners Shun Sinners? (Part 2) – Immoral Behavior

First article in series… Shunning Immoral Behavior Previously, we examined several references in the Bible showing situations where shunning may be appropriate. For example, God required that people be ostracized for sexually immoral behavior. (Leviticus 18:29; Revelation 2:14, 20; 1 Corinthians 5:11) God’s commands are for our benefit even if we do not understand His…


Should Sinners Shun Sinners? (Part 1) – Church Rejection

Church Rejection Shunning is a religious practice in which a religious body chooses to socially and emotionally avoid a person or group of people. Shunning can take the form of censure (a person is not permitted to speak openly or hold church office) or it can be as serious as expulsion from membership. If a…