The Cadillac Prayer

Several years ago I met a man who was angry with God. Jesus had refused to answer his prayer. Curious, I asked the man about his unanswered prayer. He said, “I prayed for five years that Jesus would give me a new Cadillac and He didn’t.” He wasn’t joking. Seeing that he was rather bitter,…

Thoughts on Bible Prophecy and Coming Events

The prophecies written in the books of Daniel and Revelation describe a sequence of events spanning a period of approximately 3,500 years. Several prophecies began unfolding during the fifth century B. C. and we have been able to observe their chronological fulfillment over the past 2,600 years. It is the consistent and precise fulfillment of…

Warning! Don’t Drink the Wine of Babylon

“Mr. Wilson: Revelation 14:8 indicates that all of the nations will drink the maddening wine of Babylon’s adulteries. Who is Babylon? What is the wine of Babylon? What is Babylon’s adultery? Sincerely, Sherri” Thank you for your questions. I hope my response will be helpful because the future has a sequence of events that few…

The Sacrificial Harley

Have you ever wondered why Jesus lived thirty years on Earth before He was crucified? He could have descended from the sky on Thursday, been captured and put to death on Friday, and resurrected and taken to Heaven on Sunday, but the Father had a much bigger plan! He willed that Jesus should come to…