The Seven Trumpets of Revelation – Part 1

One of the most compelling prophecies in Revelation is the seven trumpets. This important subject has serious ramifications on two levels. First, a correct interpretation of the seven trumpets is pivotal to understanding how the tightly unified end-time story of Revelation flows. Therefore, a flawed view of the seven trumpets prevents one from seeing the…

What Changed at the Cross

Ever since Jesus died and was resurrected, believers have discussed the question, “What was nailed to the cross?” The simplicity of this question belies the enormity of this subject. This question profoundly concerns Christians because the way they answer it influences their Christian walk. Therefore, this subject deserves prayerful study and investigation. While the question…

The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy

Unfortunately, many Christians scorn the study of Bible prophecy. In other words, they do not appreciate or value the study of Bible prophecy and consider it a complete waste of time. How sad that so many people maintain a wrong spirit about this subject and regard Bible prophecy as though it were an unnecessary element…