Diplomatic Missions of the Catholic Church

Since 1798, the Catholic Church has risen to global prominence. Its recovery accelerated when Mussolini restored Vatican City to the Church in the Lateran Accords (February, 1929).  Today, the Catholic Church claims more than 1.5 billion members and its popes often meet with heads of state around the world.  If you think it through, the…

The Inquisition

For over one thousand years, the pope and clergy of the Catholic Church crowned the kings and queens of Europe.  The Church had enormous influence over the nations.  However, the Catholic Church received a deadly wound in 1798 when Napoleon refused to recognize the pope’s civil (political) powers and the pope refused to give them…

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Bible History and End Time Prophecy Timeline

This video series covers a chart showing historical events since creation and future events culminating in the creation of the new earth.  Because there is historical evidence showing the relationship of prophecies in Daniel and Revelation, a framework shows the alignment of five prophecies in Daniel and twelve prophecies in Revelation. Link: Bible History and End…