
Recent Dates in Bible Prophecy

This video series covers prophecies for the book of Daniel and Bible calendars to identify important prophetic dates. Using dates that are established from the Jubilee Calendar and prophecies in Daniel and Revelation, Larry defines important dates that have occurred in the past two centuries. These dates have to do with the judgment of mankind…

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Bible Prophecy Made Simple

This presentation provides an introduction to the time prophecies of Daniel and Revelation.  Subjects include God’s Wrath, the order of prophetic events, God’s coming judgments, the seven trumpets, the seven plagues, the image to the beast, the rise of Babylon, the sealing of God’s people, and Satan’s final great deception. Link: Bible Prophecy Made Simple…


Video Study on Revelation

Prophetic expositors have shared many different views of Revelation’s prophecies. With so many different interpretations, how can a Bible student know which one is correct? Larry Wilson uses rules of interpretation established in Daniel to explain Revelation’s prophecies. The rules provide a structured method of interpreting prophecy that should allow any student of prophecy to…