Political Activism?

Dear Mr. Wilson: I am in a quandary. Do you think Christians should become involved in the political unrest that is brewing in our country? I believe our country is in serious trouble. I also believe that we are facing several problems that will require painful solutions. I am wondering what I can do, if…

Women in Ministry

“Dear Mr. Wilson: I came across your website and after reading some of your articles, I would like your response to a matter that bothers me. My church does not permit women to become pastors or to speak from the desk during the divine service. However, women are allowed to teach Sunday school classes for…

Losing Your First Love

The Way During His brief ministry (A.D. 27–30), Jesus established a new religion that continues to stand in direct opposition to the other religions of the world. At first, this religion was called “The Way” because Jesus said of Himself, “I am the way and the truth and the life . . .” (John 14:6;…