How Faith Grows

How Faith Grows Editor’s note: Two month’s ago I wrote an article entitled “Which Path Do You Choose?” (Day Star, February, 1996). I planned to write a follow-up article about how faith grows. However, Randy Feuilly of Durango, Colorado submitted this article and I do not believe I can improve on it. What is faith?…

A Short Study of Revelation 20’s 1,000 Years, Part 2

In our last study (Part 1), we examined three important points about the millennium. Briefly, they were: There are four millennial views (and there is some variation within each view): Premillennialism Postmillennialism Amillennialism Panmillennialism Each presentation on the millennium is based on suppositions or axioms that the expositor believes to be true. In my case,…

Global Report

Ellen John, Director of Wake Up India, continues to share thrilling experiences from the country of India. The number of individuals interested in Revelation’s story seems to be accelerating exponentially. Here are a few excerpts from her most recent report. A very successful seminar tour was conducted in the Southern state of Tamil Nadu. Two…