Is Perfection Possible?

“Mr. Wilson: My pastor just finished a four-week series of sermons called, “Be ye perfect.” His theme was taken from the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:48, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” To be honest, I had not given much thought to the necessity of perfection until I heard his sermons….

Put Your Face to the Wind

You Can’t Predict the Weather On July 13, 1995 most people boating on Lake St. Clair, near Detroit, Michigan, did not anticipate the storm that was about to ravage the area. Even the weather meteorologists were surprised by the turn of events. In just minutes, foreboding black clouds rolled and swirled, spewing huge lightning strikes…

Teach Me Your Ways

In the book of Exodus, Moses describes portions of his life’s journey for us. Often, the writings of Moses are considered to be lists of rules and regulations. This is unfortunate, because a careful analysis of his “daily diary” reveals a humble man of profound wisdom and faith. He was a leader of sterling character,…