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Demon Possession – A History

Dear Wake Up Family: Over the past three+ decades, Larry Wilson wrote books and articles on a host of biblical topics. Most of Larry’s writing was based on his passion for apocalyptic prophecy and the fact that Jesus was coming very soon. Nearly all conservative Christians believe in Jesus’ return, but Larry had a deep…


Should I Attend Church?

Last month, Rex wrote an article describing how organized Christianity today is replacing biblical truth with a watered-down gospel that does not build souls for Christ’s kingdom. Unfortunately, throughout history, His people have wandered from the straightforward truth He has given them. Christ himself could not reform the church in His day. Each time there…

Christianity Isn’t Accomplishing What God Intended

Dear Wake Up Family: On a chilly October morning about 500 years ago, a young monk named Martin Luther nailed a document to the door of the old Wittenberg church that ignited one of the most significant religious movements in history: the Protestant Reformation. These reformers were protesting anything unscriptural—anything contrary to God’s word. Sadly…