Untold Story of Jesus – The Godhead Begins – Chapter 2

Given what Scripture says and the results posted in Appendices A and B, I believe the Bible teaches the Father is not Jesus, Jesus is not the Father, and neither of them are the Holy Spirit. The Godhead consists of three equal, coeternal, separate, and distinct members who live and function as one God. Jesus…

Untold Story of Jesus – Three Roles of the Godhead Decided – Chapter 3

Think about it: three separate, distinct, equal, coeternal Gods functioning as one God because of love! Just saying God is love is insignificant until you realize that each deity still has the power, rights, and prerogatives that come with being deity, yet, each day, freely chooses to forfeit two-thirds of His powers, rights, and prerogatives…

The Untold Story of Jesus – The Father’s Five Laws – Chapter 4

Immediately after the Godhead formed, but prior to them creating the universe, I believe the newly appointed Father declared five laws. All three Gods agreed these laws would be written in the hearts and minds of their children, and remain unchanged forever so it would be natural for them to live within their boundaries.1 The…

The Untold Story of Jesus – The Fall of Adam and Eve – Chapter 5

From the vastness of space, the devil and his demons witnessed Earth being created. He must have been immensely embarrassed since his followers could see the inescapable proof he was a liar. Nevertheless, after they saw Jesus create so many different forms of life on a tiny orb previously covered with water, they plotted how…

The Untold Story of Jesus – The Transfer Doctrine – Chapter 6

Many Christians believe Jesus died in our place and this concept puzzles billions of non-Christians. They wonder what kind of God do Christians worship. Why would God require the death of an innocent man so guilty people can go free? Incidentally, the ancient idea that to avoid God’s wrath required the death of an innocent…