The Untold Story of Jesus – Types of Immortality – Appendix C

Some people question whether the redeemed will have conditional immortality. Please consider two passages from the Bible: 1. Paul wrote: “For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will…

Million Dollar Giveaway Update 5

Dear Wake Up Family! I’m “jumpin’ for joy!” You will be jumpin’ too, when you read this! Marty has reported that during the past six months, we reached 301,889 people on the internet, equaling the population of Cincinnati! In addition, 44,744 YouTube viewers watched 583,309 minutes (9,721 hours) of video and website visitors were a…

Is the Rapture a Hoax?

Many Christians understand the next prophetic event will be a rapture of the saints. This booklet addresses issues regarding the pre-tribulation rapture, the prevailing view held by Christians. This study guide is based on material published on our website. To study further, please visit this LINK to read other booklets in this series and browse…

Million Dollar Giveaway Update 4

Dear Wake Up Family! “Jumpin’ Jerusalem!” During the past month, we broke another record! We gave away $34,615 in materials! This project is blowing what is left of my mind. Praise the Lord!! So far, we have given away $164,829 in “present truth” materials. The Holy Spirit is motivating the Wake Up family to share-share-share!…