The Untold Story of Jesus – The War in Heaven – Chapter 7

Many Christians do not realize God cast Lucifer and his angels out of heaven twice! They were cast out before Earth was created and on Resurrection Sunday. The Bible does not mention any war when Lucifer and his followers were cast out the first time; the Father simply cast them out by the power of…

The Untold Story of Jesus – Jesus Exalted – Chapter 8

After Jesus produced the righteousness needed to save repentant sinners, He was summoned to heaven to be declared “King of Earth.” Centuries later, after being found worthy, the Father exalted Jesus again by declaring Jesus to be “Ruler of heaven and Earth.” The Father, with this declaration, relinquished His throne and sovereign authority to Jesus….

The Untold Story of Jesus – God of the Old Testament – Chapter 9

One reason I titled this book The Untold Story of Jesus is because most Christians do not realize Jesus is the God who spoke for and represented the Father throughout the Old Testament. Jesus walked with Enoch,1 walked with Noah and sent the flood,2 visited with Abraham and Sarah,3 and introduced Himself to Moses at…

The Untold Story of Jesus – Jesus’ Story Will Soon Be Told – Chapter 10

Our heavenly Father reveals truth progressively for at least two reasons: First, knowledge is additive. Some elements have to be known before other elements can be understood. Second, an infinite Father constantly releases more truth because He wants to draw finite beings closer to the Godhead. The gulf between deity and created beings is too…

The Untold Story of Jesus – Four Important Facts – Appendix A

As you consider the Bible verses below each fact, notice how the details in one verse will dovetail into another verse like completed words providing clues for uncompleted words in a crossword puzzle. Read each verse in context if you are not acquainted with the verses. Fact 1. The Father designed it and Jesus created…

The Untold Story of Jesus – Christ, Antichrist, and Anti-Christs – Appendix B

This may sound strange, but the title “Antichrist” is not found in the book of Revelation or in any Bible prophecy! The word antichrist is mentioned four times in the Bible and all references were made by the apostle John. Jesus perhaps warned His disciples about the devil’s appearance before He ascended because it seems…