Jesus is Worthy to Rule as Almighty God – Christians, Three Gods, and the Trinity (Pt. 6)

First article in series… During his exile on Patmos, John had a vision of Heaven of events that I believe occurred in 1798. (See Chapter 5 in my book, The Lamb’s Book of Life)  The story begins when John saw a book in the Father’s right hand sealed with seven seals.  A mighty angel called…

Why the Bible Calls Jesus The Son of God – Christians, Three Gods, and the Trinity (Pt. 5)

First article in series… Jesus and the Trinity At this point in our study on the Trinity, we need to synthesize what the Bible teaches about Jesus.  For example, the Bible teaches that Jesus and the Father are separate, distinct, coeternal members of the Godhead.  Jesus is not a created being.  Like the Father, Jesus…

Jesus Is the God of the Old Testament!-Christians, Three Gods, and the Trinity (Pt. 3)

First article in series… John wrote the book of Revelation about A.D. 95.  Later, after John’s exile on Patmos, he wrote three epistles and a gospel that bears his name.  The gospel of John is much more than his recollection of personal experiences with Jesus; it also contains “new truth” which Jesus revealed to John…

Why Jesus is Called “The Word”-Christians, Three Gods, and the Trinity (Pt. 2)

First article in series… Last month, I wrote the Father sent Jesus to Earth so the Father could speak to the Jews through Jesus’ lips.  Several times, Jesus told the Jews that His words were not His own and the Jews put Jesus to death for blasphemy. For more than one thousand years, Jews thought…

Is There Only One God? – Christians, Three Gods, and the Trinity (Part 1)

Shortly before Jesus was crucified, He was arrested and tried by the Sanhedrin, Israel’s Supreme Court.  The Bible says, “The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for false evidence against Jesus so that they could put Him to death. But they did not find any, though many false witnesses came forward.” (Matthew 26:59–60) …

Are You Ready for the Second Coming? (Part 4) – The Talents

The Parable of the Talents In Matthew 24, Jesus foretold events that would happen before His second coming. Then, in Matthew 25, He told three parables to amplify His warnings and these parables are intimately related to each other. For example, the foolish virgins in the first parable are represented as the worthless servant in…