
Demonic Possession – How Demons Take Control (Part 2)

First article in series…   How Do Demons Take Control of a Free Will Being? God gives each person gifts and talents at birth, and the demons want to use and twist these assets for evil purposes.  Some of God’s gifts include a measure of faith, the ability to hear the Holy Spirit, intelligence, the…


Demonic Possession – Who are the Demons? (Part 1)

Jesus encountered demons during His ministry on Earth.  On one occasion, Jesus approached two men and the demons within them trembled saying, “ ‘What do you want with us, Son of God?’ they shouted. ‘Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?’ Some distance from them a large herd of pigs was…

The Holy Spirit is a Coeternal Member of the Trinity-Christians, Three Gods and the Trinity (Pt. 8)

First article in series… You may have noticed by now that this study on the Trinity has been more about resolving specific concepts presented in Scripture than merely offering a collection of “proof texts.”  These concepts are encompassing and require more than a single God in the Godhead. Consider this axiom: “Truth is proven true…

Jesus Rules as Almighty God – Christians, Three Gods, and the Trinity (Pt. 7)

First article in series… God’s love is a selfless principle that maintains a perfect balance between righteousness and justice, mercy and forgiveness.  Decisions based on love can be very difficult.  Some situations require infinite wisdom, patience, and persistence.  The Bible is the best source for explaining love.  For example, “For God so loved the world…

Questions about the Historicist Method of Interpretation

I have spent several years closely studying the historical method of interpretation and its conclusions (historicism) as taught by the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) church.  In my studies on this topic, I have found some good things and some bad things. The good news is that the SDA church properly recognizes that certain portions of Daniel…