
Unidentified Flying Objects or Demon Appearances?

Dear Wake Up Family and Friends, For centuries, thousands of people worldwide have claimed to have seen objects in the sky they could not identify. In 1953, the U.S. Air Force coined the term UFO or Unidentified Flying Object to describe objects that could not be explained. At the same time, the U.S. government began…


Don’t Let Fear Drive Us

Dear Wake Up Family and Friends, While writing this month’s letter, I took a little time to peruse a few news headlines. Here are some I found: “Time to Trash Your Face Mask? Not So Fast” “Singapore Brings in New COVID Restrictions after Airport Outbreak” “India Reports More Than 343,000 COVID Cases” “Israel Attacks Gaza…


Differences Between Believers

Dear Wake Up Family and Friends, When Jesus was on Earth, He opposed an adulterated religious system that had become ensconced in tradition. After He was crucified and gave the gospel commission (Matthew 28:16–18), His followers continued the resistance. Jewish religious leaders would not tolerate any belief that prevented them from maintaining their control. Despite…