Deepest Thanks to Those Who Have Shared

Dear Wake Up Family:

The morning I began this letter, we received a call that brought a flood of memories. I remembered the many dedicated individuals who contributed their time and energy to sharing the good news of Christ’s soon return. This month, I want to recognize people who have supported Larry and this ministry through the years. Unfortunately, Jesus has called some of the long-term supporters of Wake Up to rest from earthly burdens, but their contribution has been priceless.

Two members of the Wake Up family passed away this past month. Eugene Keller was the cameraman for early prophecy seminars Larry held in Dayton, Ohio, over 35 years ago. Eugene and his wife, Lucille, had been married for 66 years when he passed away on July 4. Over the years, we have tried many ways to share Larry’s books. Years ago, Willis Brock from Denison, Texas, sponsored an advertisement for a free book in a tabloid called The Thrifty Nickel. Many people responded and we shared hundreds of Warning! books. Sadly, Willis passed away on June 17.

Many other individuals no longer with us selflessly shared their time and talents. Frank Strode was one of those behind-the-scenes persons who identified our need and fixed it! Before the days of video streaming, CDs, and DVDs, we recorded and duplicated audio and video tapes of Larry’s seminars. We shipped videotapes monthly to over 150 individuals who subscribed to The Tape of the Month Club. We needed a dozen video cassette recorders running simultaneously to record the series. Still, we did not have a way to distribute a signal to many recorders without reducing the video quality. Frank built a distribution box that allowed us to record the programs on many recorders. This unit could also monitor and switch between all the outputs from the video recorders so we could immediately know a recorder was having problems. He lovingly called his creation “the beast.” Maybe he gave it this name because of the beast of a time he had soldering a mile of wire to switches and connectors, or perhaps it had an end-time connotation. He regularly checked in the office and asked how the beast was doing. I just learned that his nephew, Jerry, passed away on May 23. Jerry often went to car shows and loved to share cards offering a free book on prophecy. We appreciated meeting Jerry and his wife, Cheryl when they visited the office last summer. We pray the Lord will comfort the families and friends of Eugene, Willis, and Jerry and look forward to meeting all our friends who are resting in the kingdom again.

As I write this, several other people come to mind. Allen and Frances Craw learned of Revelation’s story shortly after Larry started Wake Up. Allen had retired after spending over three decades as a professor of music. Frances authored a regular newsletter and shared their exciting findings about Bible prophecy with hundreds of friends. However, despite their advanced age, they wanted to do more. They decided to share audio and video tapes through a lending library, absorbing the expense of postage and materials. Many people who support Wake Up today learned of us through Allen and Frances’ ministry.

Unfortunately, I have run out of space, but I need to recognize many other volunteers for their assistance. Here are a few, with apologies to others I know I may have overlooked: Dian Baskin, Jan Betts, Velma Cuellar, Darryl & Shirley Borror, Ronnie & Gayle Clark, Bill Colwell, Beverly Ely, Harvey Wills, Randy & Miladine Feuilly, Eunice Leach, Martha Mays, Willie Montemayor, Norma Muth, Lylla Paddyfote, Richard Thomas, Ward & Doris White, Gladys Wilson, and Donna Woods. When Jesus calls us to rest, may we say like Paul, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” Each Wake Up supporter longs for His appearance.

Come soon, Lord Jesus.

Marty Purvis

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