How Faith Grows

How Faith Grows Editor’s note: Two month’s ago I wrote an article entitled “Which Path Do You Choose?” (Day Star, February, 1996). I planned to write a follow-up article about how faith grows. However, Randy Feuilly of Durango, Colorado submitted this article and I do not believe I can improve on it. What is faith?…

Hide it Under a Bushel? No!

From time to time, the Day Star focuses on certain individuals/study groups. If you think a few, isolated people cannot do much to spread the news of Jesus’ soon return, then think again. (Remember, the Christian movement began with 12 disciples.) May these individual’s experiences encourage you and spawn new, creative ideas for sharing the…

In Pursuit of Truth

People were talking about Him everywhere. They whispered His name in the market place, families discussed Him at the dinner table, women drawing water at the well shared stories about Him, and religious teachers discussed and ridiculed His teachings. Everywhere Jesus went, crowds gathered. It was as if an unseen force was propelling the masses…

Which Path do You Choose?

It was a perfect situation. They lived in a house that had every convenience that anyone could desire. The breathtaking view from the front of the house was only exceeded by what could be seen from the rear. The kitchen was always stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables. The weather was always mild with cool…