Proclaiming the Revelation of Jesus

Dear Wake Up Friends,

Exciting things are happening at Wake Up America Seminars. In the past month, we have exceeded all expectations with orders for the new book, The Untold Story of Jesus! Our initial book order of 5,500 copies is rapidly being depleted. In less than one month, our inventory has dwindled by half!

  • Here are just a few of the comments people have made about The Untold Story of Jesus:
    The Untold Story of Jesus is proof that Larry has lived a life blessed by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. You cannot read this book and remain complacent about your spiritual life. Although I have studied for years even before Larry started WUAS and afterwards, I have had many new revelations in my understanding since reading this book. It is truly inspired; and it’s wonderfully encouraging to understand how all the pieces fit together. I particularly was moved by the explanation of the 7’s and 10’s in Chapter 9, The God of the Old Testament. There are many details that area eye-opening! I have read aloud each chapter to my husband and we have had deep discussions that I praise God for. My prayer is that the book will sell out and spread like wildfire to clear the way for the messages of the 144,000! Thank you Lord for Larry and the WUAS ministry.
  • Hello, I just want to thank Larry Wilson from the bottom of my heart for his new book The Untold Story of Jesus.  The truths presented are amazing and have put me into even a more “study mode.”  I keep going back to the new revelations and marveling at God’s never-ending wisdom!  It’s slow reading for me at this point, because of all the “new” truths which I continue to search out by studying the scripture given, then meditating on them.  Thank you so much!
  • I am just finishing up chapter 6 in your new book, The Untold Story of Jesus. I like it a lot so far. It would have been wonderful if this had been your first book because it is foundational for a “beginner’s study” of Scripture since it puts a “beginner” in the correct mindset for studying Scripture. Of course it took you several decades of intense Bible study to reach your Bible-based conclusions in this book. The reading of this book should be pushed hard, and gotten out to lots of people. I plan on buying a few cases to give out. This book should lead to more interest in your other books. I like your new book because it is Jesus-centered and for the average Christian; it is not denominationally oriented. It realistically appears to be bias-neutral, which is a big plus. What I have read so far reads clearly with basic Bible common sense even though you back up what you say with Scripture.
  • My Christmas gift was receiving Larry’s miracle book, The Untold Story of Jesus. The book is wonderful!

WUAS can produce a full collection of materials and have them ready to share, but we cannot begin to distribute the booklets without your help. You are our hands and feet for sharing this material. Share-share-share the printed materials and pray the Lord will impress you with new ways to reach people.

In September 1994, we created a new layout for our monthly newsletter, the DayStar. On the masthead of the newsletter, we placed the statement “Proclaiming Revelation’s Story.” Since then, we have often used that byline in printed and online materials to underscore the importance of Revelation and the basis it provides for end time study. We also wanted to commit to everyone reading Larry’s materials that WUAS was dedicated to sharing a message about Bible prophecy and preparing for Jesus’ soon return. However, this byline has not reflected the all-encompassing nature of what we have actually shared in books, charts, and other media through the years. After nearly 50 years of study and writing, Larry wrote the book that provides the real foundation for the end time story titled The Untold Story of Jesus. It is impossible to completely understand end time prophecy without a knowledge of the Lamb of God. It is time to change the WUAS byline of “Proclaiming Revelation’s Story” to reflect this larger perspective. This long overdue change is just a few words, but the effect is enormous! The new byline for WUAS will be “Proclaiming the Revelation of Jesus” and you will see it on next month’s booklet. This revelation began before Lucifer’s fall, continues today, and will continue through the time the New Earth is created. “ ‘I am the Alpha and the Omega,’ says the Lord God, ‘who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.’ . . . ‘I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever!’ ” (Revelation 1:8,17–18)

We are continuing to exceed our expectations in the million dollar giveaway and are looking forward to completing our two-fold goal of distributing one million dollars of materials and reaching one million people in three years. Wouldn’t it be exciting if the million dollar giveaway turned into the five million dollar giveaway! As we move toward our goal, in December we gave away $32,500 of materials which brings our eight month total to $280,000. At this pace, we will reach our goal in two years and five months. We can see the Lord’s hand in this project and while it reaches only a miniscule part of the world’s population, He can multiply our efforts to share the gospel of Jesus.

The WUAS web site visitors combined with YouTube viewers total an astonishing 369,423 people. At this rate, we will reach our one million person goal in less than two years, instead of three. Praise the Lord!

We are also trying to reach a million people during this program and here is the progress this month toward reaching that goal:

YouTube Viewers: 6,608 Hours watched: 1,705 Average view time: 14:02 minutes Website visitors: 48,403

WUAS is committed to “Proclaiming the Revelation of Jesus” and providing each of you with the resources so you can proclaim this revelation. We pray more and more people continue to join with us in “Proclaiming the Revelation of Jesus!”

Pressing on,


Marty Purvis

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