Warning, Jesus is Coming Soon

Dear Wake Up Family,

As I write this newsletter the holiday season is beginning. This year, I decided to begin with edited portions of a couple articles Larry wrote for the December DayStar over twenty years ago (updated for this year) . . .

As we come to the end of 2020, this newsletter is the 366th monthly newsletter – 31 years of publishing newsletters! As we rush toward another new year, we remain excited as we wait for the commencement of the Great Tribulation to begin. The coming of Jesus is nearer now than when we first believed! (Romans 13:11) Our commitment to proclaiming the imminent return of Jesus is stronger as 2021 dawns because we anticipate even more golden opportunities to share what God has mercifully allowed us to know and understand.

I know, unfortunately, life does not always go as planned and, for some individuals, this is devastating. However, when tempted with discouragement, try to keep things in perspective by contrasting the focus of your life’s goal with the present circumstances you find yourself facing. For me, this is the key that helps get me through difficult times. If our life’s objective is worth living for, then it is certainly worth fighting for!

By the time you read this newsletter, this year will be (almost) history. Because it is good, every now and then, to stop and recount our blessings, I would like to share the tremendous joy I have in my heart as I recall the blessings WUAS has received from our supporters. I marvel at how God has sustained Wake Up America Seminars for more than thirty years; and each year we continue to see growing evidence of the Lord’s blessings!

Since the beginning of the three-year Million People Project, we have shipped over 100,000 books and booklets! Amazingly, we have nearly reached our goal of reaching a million people through the internet and videos. Actually, we will exceed our goal one and one-half years ahead of schedule!!

During the past year, Diana has answered many phone calls, responded to many emails, produced a weekly email broadcast, and run errands beyond recall. Rex has prepared and proofed booklets which you have read over the past months, organized the inventory of booklets in the office, and has willingly gotten the job done wherever he was needed. Eunice and Velma have regularly proofed booklets and books to catch errors before they end up in print.

Please know that nothing at the office could be done without each of you who have provided the support that allows the office to continue, and the dedication in sharing the scores of booklets that have been distributed. I want to publicly thank each of you for your dedication to faithfully share the burden of warning the world of Christ’s return.

It may seem strange to use the word “warning” when referring to Christ’s return. However, remember that when Christ returns, individuals are either caught up to meet the Lord in the air or destroyed. That desperately deserves a warning. (1 Thessalonians 4:17, Revelation 19:11-21)
While one of the goals for the Million People/Dollar Project will be reached this month, we still have another goal to reach before the end of the project. Although we have passed the halfway point of distributing one million dollars’ worth of materials and have just over a year to complete the project, we can’t let up now! Larry wrote the following quote in 1998 and his comments are just as applicable today:

“When will the seven trumpets commence? Will it be in 1999 [2021]? No one knows for sure, but the time seems ‘ripe.’ So, I encourage you to be courageous! Join with me as we declare: ‘Even so, come Lord Jesus!’ I want to go home, don’t you? I want to see Jesus and hear His voice. Yes, this is my New Year’s wish!”

The time is ‘ripe’ to share the story of Jesus’ soon return. Let’s do it as we share-share-share the story of soon coming events in the booklet, Seven Trumpets.

May the Lord be with you,

Marty Purvis

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